Rogue Taxi day 5
Previous days:
Day 1: https://theterrificjd.itch.io/bus-chase-city
Day 2: https://devcaty.itch.io/rouge-bus
Day 3: https://octrs.itch.io/rogue-taxi
Day 4:https://shadoweeq.itch.io/rogue-taxi-day4-unity
My contributions:
- Powerups such as:
The flak cannon - the only way to deal damage to the helicopter, can also destroy the police cars
The laser - destroys every building in front of it but can't deal damage to enemies
- New enemy
- Main menu, credits, how to play, pause menu.
- Polish - animated stars, animated score text, feedback for taking damage, made the police cars faster so they can actually catch up with you.
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Love your work on this! thank you so much for continuing it! The “mario style” item upgrades are really really fun to use! love the helicopters and all the other changes you made it feels so good to play now :]!